What to Expect From Aligning With Abundance in April

In April, our monthly topic is Aligning With Abundance, but this isn't just another course about using the Law of Attraction to manifest stuff...

So, before you roll your eyes, let me reassure you that it is going to be different. And it isn't specifically about money either. Maybe what you want "an abundance of" most of all is patience

A certain amount of knowledge of the Law of Attraction and Manifesting has been assumed, so I won't be teaching you how to suck eggs.

We are going to be exploring what it's like to be aligned with Abundance, how you can bring more of that energy into your day to day.

More often than not, there is plenty preventing that from happening.  The blocks can be simple things, like attention being held on lack, or something a bit deeper, like a held belief about not being good enough, or that good things happen to other people, that stems from childhood.

Even if you feel like you know this topic inside out, it will still be worth joining us for the course, to see if there is something new for you to lean into.

We will be exploring this topic deeply, providing tools and resources for the all important energy shifting that needs to happen, as well as supporting you through the live coaching calls and daily nudges.

I can't wait for you to find out what is possible if you are willing to leave that old version of you behind and step into something more fitting to what you deserve!