Using Your Intuition

Learning to use your intuition is an important part of Living Intentionally and stepping into the most authentic version of you.

This month, as we explore Living Intentionally, the subject of using your intuition has become a topic of great interest to our members, so we wanted to extend some of the teaching we have shared into our blog, to give you a little taster of what is available in the membership.

On intuition:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift” Albert Einstein.

As a culture, we have been taught to think.  When we have a problem to solve or a decision to make.  It's such a cultural thing that it is deeply ingrained in our language.

"Come on, think about it"

"I don't know.  What do you think?"

We think of the answers of our problems, or what might be the best use of our time, rather than feeling into it.  Seeing what our intuition, or gut instinct has to say.

So here is a simple exercise to try in a situation when you don’t know what course of action to take:

  • Sit with the question, or the decision. 
  • Feel into the body as you consider the options in turn.
  • See whether the body gives a clear signal when you give one option attention - that this one feels good, or not. 
  • Or (for a more open situation) ask a question and wait for a minute or so for an answer to come into the mind.
  • Pay attention to the feelings you have associated with that answer.

This is really different to trying to think up the answer to your questions, it’s instead using intuitive guidance to feel into it. 

This guidance comes from our deepest intelligence and is much more aligned with who we really want to be, than listening to our thoughts, which are going to give us an answer that we have learnt from an outside source, or that has been conditioned into us.

This is a really simple step that we have been exploring this February as part of our month of "Living Intentionally".  You can join us if you like!

Maybe it's too late to take part in it live? Don’t worry, previous months of the Optimised Life Miracle Membership are available to current members. Why not join us! Have access to all past courses and come on our monthly adventures with us.

Coming up we have:

  • Freedom from Food Cravings – March 24
  • Attitudes of Abundance – April 24

We are currently still running Early Bird pricing, which is INCREDIBLE value for money.  This price won't be around for ever, so jump on while it's still this low!